Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So, next time you look at my site, you may be wondering, "Where the heck did it go?!" So, I would like to explain.

While the cutesy pink thing was nice and "princessy," I'm more of a modern-day princess, just like I'm more of a modern-day cave(wo)man. So, I decided to do something that fit me a little better. I hope you all like it!

Sorry (again...)

I know, I know... I must be the worst blogger of all time! I mean, I should at least update on a regular basis right?!

Although there are no excuses for my poor blogging frequency, I will say that now that I have finals almost out of the way, I will have a LOT more time (and energy) for blogging.  

So, if not sooner, I'll post again this weekend. Until then, try not to miss me too much! (Just kidding...)