Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hell Week Days 2 & 3

Day 2 and 3 are over! Let me just say... I know why they call it Hell Week. It SUCKS! 

So, the morning of day 2, I weighed 117.0. I was pretty happy with it. 

The past two days, I've had a LOT of that Mexican cauliflower rice I made. But alas, I finished it during lunch today, so I made Chicken Fajitas with this awesome recipe I found on Paleo Plan! No lemon or lime juice though, because I can't have fruit. 

Speaking of which, I feel like my whole life was a sugar high and now I just can't stop crashing. It's terrible. I'm shaking nonstop and even though I've been sleeping more than usual, I look absolutely dead all day. 

I can't stop thinking about all the food I want and can't eat. Like pineapple. Mmm... Pineapple. I just want it all so bad. Granted, it doesn't help when my oh-so-supportive boyfriend takes me to the grocery store to laugh about everything I can't have (which adds up to like 99%... Sigh...)

I'm hoping this starts getting better but I'm not seeing much hope right now. Apparently I've also been more sad/depressed/grumpy too. I hadn't noticed. But... Tomorrow's HUMP DAY! 

Yes, I know it's Sunday, don't judge me. 

I'm only calling it that because it's day 4/7 for no fruit/bacon. I NEED that fruit and bacon. 

Well, until tomorrow, wish me luck! And if you wanna know how this works out, just hope I survive long enough to post again. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Long time no blog!

So… it's been a while… again. But here I am!

Anyways, I just tried spaghetti squash for the first time last week and it was AMAZING! I was really surprised that it had almost no taste, and once added to my super organic (almost) paleo spaghetti sauce and ground beef, I couldn't even tell the difference.

I love noodles. I mean, I LOVE noodles. Like, a lot. So obviously it's really hard for me not to eat them and I am ashamed to admit that sometimes I slip up. But, I'm happy to announce that I actually PREFER spaghetti squash.

I know what you're thinking- "Yeah, right! She's only saying that because she's posting on a Paleo Blog." But, it's true. Not only do the spaghetti squash "noodles" have the same texture (not to mention they're all short - I don't even have to cut up my spaghetti!), but they don't make my tummy hurt like normal noodles, which to me is a double win.

Until next time!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So, next time you look at my site, you may be wondering, "Where the heck did it go?!" So, I would like to explain.

While the cutesy pink thing was nice and "princessy," I'm more of a modern-day princess, just like I'm more of a modern-day cave(wo)man. So, I decided to do something that fit me a little better. I hope you all like it!

Sorry (again...)

I know, I know... I must be the worst blogger of all time! I mean, I should at least update on a regular basis right?!

Although there are no excuses for my poor blogging frequency, I will say that now that I have finals almost out of the way, I will have a LOT more time (and energy) for blogging.  

So, if not sooner, I'll post again this weekend. Until then, try not to miss me too much! (Just kidding...)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Weigh-in #2

Yes, I know... I'm sorry I haven't really been keeping up with everything. And if I'm being honest, my diet DID slack for a while. But I've been back on and doing great!

The number from yesterday is... 114.0! 

I'm super excited with the progress I've made both in the numbers and in how I look. I can't wait to see how I'll be next week! It's small steps but I'm getting somewhere :D

Monday, April 21, 2014

CANDY! pt.2

I have officially made the Paleo-friendly Twix bars from my previous post and they were rather tasty. Next up… junior mints! Sorry I forgot pictures, but I promise they will be included next time.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Miss me?

I'm back! I know it's been like, a week and I'm super sorry, but I've been really busy and I guess I've just kinda forgotten to keep blogging. But fear no more!

Last night I made Paleo English Muffins thanks to Stacey! They were super fast, super easy, and surprisingly yummy! You can find the recipe here:

ANYWAYS, I got some Organicville BBQ sauce, (which you can find here: and may I say- YUM! I wanted little muffin pizzas, but since my favorite pizza is BBQ chicken, I opted to not go for tomato sauce. Not that there's anything wrong with it.

The sauce was really great, even if it was a little sweeter than I expected. I spread it all over my pizza and added some cheese, (I know, not exactly Paleo, but old habits die hard), bacon, and chicken, and it was GREAT! I think I'm in love. The best thing is I had enough left for lunch… and probably dinner again today. Woohoo!

I'll make sure to keep y'all updated, and as a sign of good faith, I'll even tell you that I got a membership to a yoga studio. Whaaaaaaaat?! Did I mention that it's HOT yoga? I've only done it once, but I decided I want to be even MORE active and it seemed like a great opportunity. Anyways, I'll keep you posted.